Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dark Bay Andalusian

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dark Bay Andalusian

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
5 4 3 3

As I mentioned before, this is the second nutty Andalusian acquired in this playthrough. Both my Dark Bays were male. I spent a lot of time in Lemoyne which Andalusians don't seem to tolerate as well as some other breeds. He improved a lot with maximum bond and heading north. Of course, Diablo didn't really ask to do things like deliberately antagonize grizzlies. I had so much fun with him, he has his own YouTube playlist.

Here's a nicer photo of him showing his form in a park. The Dark Bay Andalusian is probably my favourite RDR2 mount. He is a beauty.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dark Bay Andalusian in a park.
