Red Dead Redemption 2 - Black Kentucky Saddler

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Black Kentucky Saddler

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 2 3 2

Gipsee from a rabbit's point of view. I didn't intend to get a black horse immediately after Jet but this one wandered riderless into the Valentine stable corral and before I knew it I was fleeing to a post office on Gipsee with Jet in tow. There was a little kerfuffle over the name. I went looking on line for a female black American Saddlebred and found one named Gypsy Queen circa 1904 that looked black in the photo. Gypsy triggered a profanity check. Gipsy didn't work either so Gipsee it was then. I can imagine how the term can be misused on line but the profanity check makes me chuckle a bit in story mode.

