Multiclass Horses: Part 2

  This page includes screenshots taken after the epilogue and may reveal plot details and locations. Horses acquired through missions are indicated but missions not detailed.  If you're only interested in the best horses available early game please check out the horse database at  where you can sort for availability.                                                 

Horses featured are available in Story mode only and are sorted first for availability and then statistics.
Multiclass horses feature the best stat from two different classes. The Turkoman war and race class horses' best stats are health and speed. The Missouri Fox Trotter work and race horses' best stats are stamina and speed and the Mustang war and work horses' best stats are health and stamina. All multiclass horses have standard handling.

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R2R2-Silver Turkoman
Took her to roughly the same spot as Colonel to get a comparison. Boring.

Silver Turkoman. Acquired: Tumbleweed Stable. Availability: Epilogue. Unnamed.
Health 7, Stamina 5, Speed 6,  Acceleration 5.

I was excited about this girl because all three Turkoman have the same stats and I thought I could get a gender comparison. As usual, I am not sure how much was going on in my imagination. I thought she might be a little more refined than the boy Turkomans but they seem to have the same general conformation and the black markings on her legs might make them seem slimmer. She exhibited the same exaggerated head and neck action but I thought it was a little less pronounced. It looks that way in the photo but that could simply be just the moment it was captured. So not a very scientific assessment here. I decided to open up the unexplored area at the bottom of the map and we followed along the river bank. It was a miserable trip and she complained a lot as we picked our way through rocks and bushes. At some point, I noticed that she had stopped complaining completely. I really didn't know what to make of that. Horses are so funny in this game. The complaining is authentic behaviour but they'll run straight through a bush answering your call. Perhaps it had something to do with bonding or maybe it's just coincidence. I dunno. We eventually made our way to New Hanover and went treasure hunting. The PC had an unexpected fatal cougar encounter and after recovering from that, they experienced a terrible fall from a ledge. Both survived it somehow without even damaging their cores. Durable horse. We chased a black bear around which she did not like and she had minor issues with snakes but she calmed down easy. In my mind she had a slightly calmer temperament than the boys but I'm not certain of that. 

RDR2: Dark Bay Turkoman
Captain was not enthused at all with black bear hunting. The bear got away so I just took a photo of pointing the gun.

Dark Bay Turkoman. Acquired: Blackwater Stable. Availability: Epilogue. Name: Captain.
Health 7, Stamina 5, Speed 6, Acceleration 5.

I have a fondness for bays. I like the Turkomans but this one is my favourite. His coat appearance varies with light. His front and his rump are always dark but the rest is a sort of shimmering bronze. I also really like the Turkoman's movement. There's something effortless about it. Too bad about all that infernal head action. He is named for Captain Byerley, the owner of the famous Byerley Turk who was a foundation sire of the Thoroughbred breed. We broke him in pretty slowly just exploring, treasure hunting and looking for a palomino Morgan.  He can lunge unexpectedly when startled and gets upset about the typical things but I've had no real trouble with him. I have been riding other horses more extensively due to other projects so I don't have any strong opinions on him as compared to the other Turkomans.

RDR2-Silver Dapple Missouri Fox Trotter
Had no trouble catching up to this train and yes the train is moving.

Silver Dapple Missouri Fox Trotter. Acquired: Blackwater Stable. Availability: Epilogue. Name: Pearl.
Health 5, Stamina 6, Speed 7, Acceleration 5.

She's kind of silvery and shiny like a pearl but there are no pinto pearls as far as I know. A pearl of a horse nonetheless. We bagged a cougar just about right away but we had plenty of advance notice. She stood her ground during an ambush but she took awhile to calm down afterwards. We spent most of our time collecting plants and hunting birds around St. Denis. She seemed calm until she was ridden out to a small island to collect a carcass. As soon as PC dismounted she got very upset, jumped into the alligator infested river and swam to the other side. We called her back and laughed at her crossing the bridge to get to PC. There must have been a snake or something. She hit bond level 4 immediately after this event but I doubt that would have changed her reaction. It all entertained me anyway. This is a really beautiful, fast horse and I debated keeping her but I did reluctantly sell her back at a nice profit.

RDR2-Tiger Striped Bay Mustang
Yee Haw. Bucking bronco.

Tiger Striped Bay Mustang. Acquired: Wild. Availability: Epilogue. Name: Sport.
Health 5, Stamina 5, Speed 4, Acceleration 3.

Technically, his location is off limits until the Epilogue but when did that stop anyone? Well me but whatever. The PC looks very casual in the photo which he shouldn't because he got bucked off and the little Mustang disappeared on us so we had to capture him on a second trip. I remembered to save that time. We had nice ride out of New Austin and then went bear hunting. We went to the wrong place unfortunately and nothing much happened other than one wolf encounter that didn't really fizz on him. He did go on the trip to capture the Warped Brindle Arabian and played a part in Magic's adventures but it was all good. His stats are only marginally better than the other two wild mustangs but he has a unique look and he's also good natured.
