
Showing posts from May, 2021

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Red Chestnut Arabian

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Red Chestnut Arabian

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
4 5 5 4

The Arabian possessing the least impressive stats but most resembling a Breyer figurine. Her numbers are balanced however and she's faster than most of the work class breeds. She didn't really enjoy hauling a large man through knee deep snow but I have a IRL thing about late day winter sun reflecting off a chestnut coat so Breyer got elected to go clear off some  northern objectives. Overall a successful trip but did get dumped once over a wolf swarm. She held for a couple of them but the last two were too much. 

Red Dead Redemption 2 - White Roan Nokota

Red Dead Redemption 2 - White Roan Nokota

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 3 4 3

File this under fun things to do. I tried to jump from the train to the horse but failed. Failure was a bit of a theme with Harmony. I saved a stranger from outlaws and thought a surviving outlaw was a good candidate for lassoing and dragging. I wound up just running him over with the Suffolk Punch instead. Everyone else had vamoosed except for the patient Harmony who was just standing there for the taking. My first White Roan was female as well. She has the same stats and handling as wild Thoroughbreds but is much quieter and easy to handle.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Red Chestnut Suffolk Punch

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Red Chestnut Suffolk Punch

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 4 3 2

This bison makes the sturdy Suffolk Punch look small. They're not really that big are they? It might be a trick of perspective but I struggled to get both of them in the frame. We encountered the bison on it's own and the opening under the bridge slowed it down a bit so we were able to ride alongside for a few moments. Technically, Rufus was stolen but he was acquired from two very stupid strangers so I prefer to say "adopted". I called him Rufus for no particular reason. He was serviceable and agreeable.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Bay Roan Ardennes

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Bay Roan Ardennes

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
5 4 3 3

That's an interesting spot you've put yourself in Thunder. The name is inspired by dose hooves. He does inspire confidence as you thunder along. His stats are the same as the Dark Bay Andalusian and they seem similiar in temperament. So it's a matter of preference between those two. Huffy and refined or snorting and bulky. We spent most of our time cougar hunting and trying to avoid being dumped. He is a fun horse though.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dapple Dark Gray Hungarian Halfbred

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dapple Dark Gray Hungarian Halfbred
Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
5 4 3 3

Here we have a horse named Luna watching the sun set on an alligator. Her coat didn't remind me of any candy but did sort of resemble the surface of a far away moon or planet. First play through I know I acquired a male version of this horse after a mission and I know I didn't do anything fancy to get him but I had to purchase Luna from Valentine stable. It was definitely worth it. I really like this horse. A little less edgy in the swamp than others.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Silver Bay Kentucky Saddler

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Silver Bay Kentucky Saddler

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 2 3 2

I had a sweet horse named Truffle so why not Caramel. I meant to tame this horse right after Irwin, the Flaxen Chestnut Halfbred for a comparison but I'm going with the flow in this play through. The Silver Bay struck me as a similiar but more refined version. Kentucky Saddlers could have been classed as a war horse but in this game they have the weaker riding horse stats. We just moseyed around, taking in the scenery and looking for opportunity.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Chocolate Roan Dutch Warmblood

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Chocolate Roan Dutch Warmblood

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
5 6 4 3

Yes Hickstead, it is a long way down. Play through one Chocolate Roan was named after a famous female Dutch Warmblood so this one got the name of a famous male. I already had the horseman jumping challenge achievement but Hickstead won the speed upgrade for me at last.  Available at Valentine stable, this is one of the top early game mounts if you can afford it.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Liver Chestnut Morgan

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Liver Chestnut Morgan

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
2 4 4 2

This is just a really silly photo. Her coat reminds me of a chocolate truffle and her face is so sweet I was looking for an open window to frame it. Then I impulsively entered the sheep pen not thinking that all the sheep would run out. I managed to round up a couple of them but I guess the rest are just roaming around town now. I ran into her and her rider while doing that Arabian go fast thing. Her rider ran off and poor Truffle was in terrible shape. I fixed her up and that settled the which horse is next question. It's really too bad about the low health stat because this is a loveable little horse.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - White Arabian

Red Dead Redemption 2 - White Arabian

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
5 5 6 6

It looks like Dynamo has made a little friend. The White Arabian is the best horse found in the wild and ranks third overall. A well rounded horse stat wise, she is always worth the trip to acquire her. I took her on a failed moose hunt. I really must stop doing this to Arabians.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dark Bay Andalusian

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dark Bay Andalusian

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
5 4 3 3

As I mentioned before, this is the second nutty Andalusian acquired in this playthrough. Both my Dark Bays were male. I spent a lot of time in Lemoyne which Andalusians don't seem to tolerate as well as some other breeds. He improved a lot with maximum bond and heading north. Of course, Diablo didn't really ask to do things like deliberately antagonize grizzlies. I had so much fun with him, he has his own YouTube playlist.

Here's a nicer photo of him showing his form in a park. The Dark Bay Andalusian is probably my favourite RDR2 mount. He is a beauty.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dark Bay Andalusian in a park.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Flaxen Chestnut Hungarian Halfbred

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Flaxen Chestnut Hungarian Halfbred

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
4 3 3 3

This is another impulse taming and the second male. We seemed to have frequent close contact with wildlife so I named him Irwin because I like that better than Steve. He did get agitated but calmed fairly quickly. Just a big, solid horse.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Perlino Andalusian

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Perlino Andalusian

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
7 5 3 3

Ferdinand is having a little spaz in the swamp here which he was wont to do. My last Perlino was a female so I was pretty excited to tame this horse. I called her Bella which is close enough to Isabella I guess so I named him Ferdinand. I really liked the Andalusians in my first playthrough but the two I've had so far have been a little nuts. To be fair to Ferdinand, I exposed him to a lot more danger than Bella faced.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Warped Brindle Arabian

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Warped Brindle Arabian

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 5 6 4

OK we got into a little predicament with wolves here. The lighting isn't great and it's hard to see what's going on. Click or touch for a bigger view. The photo below is a close up of where Arthur's at. He did survive. 

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Arthur Jumped by a Wolf

It's hard for me to think of this horse as anything but Magic from my original play through. I wanted a name that expressed how much fun this horse is to ride and settled on Spirit. We mostly just chased things around.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Blanket Appaloosa

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Blanket Appaloosa

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 4 3 3

Jolene wasn't really keen on this little off road trip we took here. Somewhere in Lemoyne, the song Jolene entered my head and she was so named. She didn't quite manage to steal Arthur's heart away from Spirit and Appy Jack but she is a capbable horse in her own right.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Leopard Blanket Appaloosa

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Leopard Blanket Appaloosa

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
Appy Jack 
3 4 3 3

This horse just banged right into us and it was the first time the hardy Appaloosa looked unnerved. It's also the first time I've seen a Dapple Bay Tennessee Walker look remotely interested in anything. I named him Appy Jack because he could do it all. I spotted him along the Dakota River. He won a race, outran outlaws and went hunting for all kinds of big game.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Blue Roan Nokota

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Blue Roan Nokota

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 3 4 3

Rhapsody was blatantly stolen from a camp. Her owner shouldn't have yelled at me. She's doing the level 3 sideways movement here. This is a horse you might ride for looks rather than stats. I think she is one of the most beautiful horses in the game.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Bay Roan Morgan

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Bay Roan Morgan

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
2 3 3 2

I was chasing a pronghorn across the river and suddenly Giselle just soared over a rock. I thought Giselle sort of sounded like gazelle. The pronghorn disappeared from the frame however. Giselle formerly belonged to a man we encountered running on foot and in some kind of distress. Taking the horse was apparently not the correct thing to do but opportunism won over. Giselle surprised me by dealing extremely well with a wolf swarm.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Chestnut Tennessee Walker

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Chestnut Tennessee Walker

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 3 2 2

This horse can show up if you become separated from your main during a mission but usually appears after your main has died. Unfortunately, the Chestnut has shown up already thanks to my recklessness. I usually sold this horse right away last time but according to my new rules he had to max bond at least once. He turned out to be a good buddy so I named him that. Buddy.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Black Arabian

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Black Arabian

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
6 6 6 6

The Black Arabian is the second highest ranked horse overall just above the White and is one of the very few elite horses easily stolen early. I was pretty pleased with myself for snagging her. Blaze isn't a totally correct name I guess but I just could not ride this horse slow. I wasn't all that impressed with my first Black Arabian but Blaze was pretty good. She did let Arthur know once what she really thought of snakes after he dismounted. She got a bit crossed up while following Arthur and the wagon but came flying back to his whistle.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Buckskin American Standardbred

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Buckskin American Standardbred

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 3 4 3

Patience was captured in the wild. We spent a lot of time in the Lemoyne area. She earned her name by coping with just about everything thrown at her. She took gang ambushes, alligator hunting and pushy city crowds in stride. She also was the first to benefit from a crafted saddle.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Overo American Paint

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Overo American Paint

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
4 3 3

I settled on Rocky because he is sure footed. Well, all the other horses are too but I have a fondness for the work class breeds. I spotted him with binoculars while lurking around a safe location in Big Valley during night time. I immediately went off to capture him despite the risk of a cougar attack. There were no cougar encounters. Rocky and Arthur are capturing a bad guy in this photo

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Red Roan Tennessee Walker

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Red Roan Tennessee Walker

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 3 2 2

Bangs is a terrible name but the forelock is a notable feature. As far as looks go this is my favourite Tennessee Walker and Arthur looks great riding him. I took him right out of the gang camp. I was doing Horseman Challenge level 2 here. 

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Buttermilk Buckskin Kentucky Saddler

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Buttermilk Buckskin Kentucky Saddler

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 4 2

This was an impulsive "Let's lasso a goat" episode. I guess the horse has to be already standing still to stay mounted. The instant Arthur auto slid off Whiskey he was outta there. The goat soon killed Arthurs stamina and got away. Whiskey survived two ambushes almost immediately after he was tamed. His name makes sense I guess if you like your whiskey really pale.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Light Gray Shire

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Light Gray Shire

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
4 3 3 2

The other half of the Shire comedy duo. Eventually Grace had to be stabled for her own safe keeping and later she continued on her own. I rarely saw player owned horses grazing in my first playthrough so at first I thought "well it's a Shire and Shires do a lot of things". Horses seem to do it more often this time around so maybe more animations got added. 

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dark Bay Shire

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dark Bay Shire

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
4 3 3 2

Cut this one free from a wagon in Rhodes. This time I got caught and had to flee to the nearest post office. Somewhere on our travels we came across the light gray Shire. It was a little difficult to get them to pose for a photo. She was quiet but George couldn't stay still. I could rock a whole play through with these two. The only comedy duo I could think of was George and Grace. The stable master disagreed with both names. 

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dapple Bay Tennessee Walker

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dapple Bay Tennessee Walker

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 3 2 2

Another uninspiring photo of a Dapple Bay. Tennessee Walkers are pretty steady generally. I neglected to note how she was acquired. Probably an impulse taming. She acquired her name during a flubbed lassoing attempt. I failed to hogtie a robber and inexplicably climbed back on the horse while he shot directly at us. She stood there until I got off to hogtie him for certain this time. I thought she must have faith.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Gold Palomino Tennessee Walker


Red Dead Redemption 2 - Gold Palomino Tennessee Walker

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
Apollo 3 4 3 2

It seems funny to take a photo of a horse named Apollo in the moonlight but this was one of those times I thought the scene warranted a screenshot. My first Gold Palomino was male as well. This one was wandering outside Valentine stable and I just took off with him with no consequences. My experience was the same. He's a nice horse. Nothing much unusual happened. Arthur is carrying a lantern because I thought it might keep wolves away. That didn't work of course but I was so close to Strawberry that I just outran them.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Sooty Buckskin Dutch Warmblood


Red Dead Redemption 2 - Sooty Buckskin Dutch Warmblood

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
Diana the Huntress 4 5 3 3

She didn't get her name for being particularly stable but I just had great luck with her. She can be purchased from the Scarlett Meadows stable but I found her alone on the roadside nervously observing a grizzly down by a lake shore. I recorded this event but there is no audio. Something... something...capture card. We all survived the grizzly attack and went on to do some productive hunting. 

The next Dutch Warmblood is statistically the same as this one and they both rank lower than the Chapter 2 Chocolate Roan Dutch Warmblood. They rank about the same as the common race horses. Slightly slower but have good health and stamina. They are cheaper than the Chocolate Roan but this one can be stolen fairly easily.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dappled Black Thoroughbred

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dappled Black Thoroughbred

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
NA 3 3 7 5

I have been doing things a little differently and discovering much I missed the first time and a lot I don't remember well. When Valentine stable unlocked I was confronted with two horses that I had an unreasonable reaction to. The Dappled Black Thoroughbred and the Palomino Morgan are two of my canon horses from my original save. Dancer the Thoroughbred from Chapter 2 to 4 and Champ the Morgan post epilogue. Champ has his own spoiler page about completing the Horseman challenges. I can't think of them as anything else.  I took the Dappled Black for zero dollars, mostly used her as a temporary and refused to name her. The Dappled Black is only available to players with a Special or Ultimate Edition. She was just as anxiety ridden as a temporary as she was as a main horse and seemed to often have her nose practically up the lead horses butt. Inevitably she despawned back at the main camp and reappeared in the stable sometime later where she has stayed.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Raven Black Shire

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dark Bay Shire

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
Alfred 4 4 3 2

This is another horse I sold in play through one not realizing that he is unique and unreplaceable. This time I named him Alfred because he is majestic. He was mostly a good hunting companion but I did try to outrun bounty hunters in the dark. They fell down a cliff. The hardy Alfred survived but Arthur did not.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Mahogany Bay Tennessee Walker

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Mahogany Bay Tennessee Walker

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
Zach 3 4 2 2

The Mahogany Bay is of course Arthur's original reliable and unreplaceable companion from Chapter 1. The first time around, I sold him as soon as Valentine stable unlocked and didn't even give him a name. This time he was named Zach after a favourite  hockey player.