
Showing posts from August, 2021

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Rose Gray Andalusian

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Rose Gray Andalusian

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
7 5 3 3

Sometimes really odd things happen like a wild turkey flying up and landing head first on your horse. I loved the female Rose Gray from play through one but I wasn't crazy about her appearance compared to the other Andalusians. I've changed my mind on their looks and I liked this male version just as much. Amigo did the last missions for Chapter 6 so I tried to do a little scenic view with him.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Arthur and Amigo Enjoying a Scenic View

See next ranked Chapter 6

See Previous


Red Dead Redemption 2 - Cremello Gold Dutch Warmblood

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Cremello Gold Dutch Warmblood

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
6 6 5 5

A nice clean shiny Buell being led towards mud. Buell is a unique, named, irreplaceable horse acquired at the completion of an optional stranger mission that comes available in Chapter 6. This mission can be completed at any time and I recommend completing it during the Epilogue chapters or after. He has the best stats of the Warmbloods and a bit of character and back story. All this horse bonding has made me very compulsive about their care. Recently I noticed that I reflexively press the calm/pet button on every level up. Good boah/girl! So it might even be a little beyond compulsive. Dirt shows so fast on Buell that I'm just constantly brushing him. It's my only beef. I thought I would see what happens if I rode through muddy streets and then travelled to a dusty town between brushings. Buell is definitely very unhappy.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Muddy Buell

See next ranked Chapter 6

See Previous (Chapter 5)


Red Dead Redemption 2 - Strawberry Roan Ardennes

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Strawberry Roan Ardennes

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
7 5 3 3

Arthur has gone a little strange here. He thinks he's incognito but that didn't work of course. He's very happy with his massive war mount though. Oh that luxurious mane. I named her Freya because sure why not? The absolute top heavy horse in the game and ranks with the top Andalusions which come in at number 5 in the Chapter 2 list.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Piebald Tobiano Hungarian Halfbred

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Piebald Tobiano Hungarian Halfbred

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
4 3 3 3

I have classified this horse as stolen because I honestly believe that they don't spawn in the wild. I'm not certain of that however. I have used a Chapter 5 label because players are guaranteed to encounter one during a Chapter 5 mission. Bounty hunters sometimes ride them and players also report finding them at camps. Her numbers are the same as the common Flaxen Chestnut Hungarian Halfbred which ranked at 21 in Chapter 2 but this horse is sought after for size, looks and rarity. I named her Sam short for Samantha? Good Samaritan? I don't know but that's what I named her.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Gold Turkoman

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Gold Turkoman

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
7 5 6 5

Midas is always raring to go. Both Gold Turkoman I used were a bit rambunctious until fully bonded. Both were also male. Most race horses tend to lunge unexpectedly when startled and it was noticeable with him. In fact, Midas was the first horse I noticed Arthur losing his patience with. It was partly my fault because I had Arthur dismount too close to alligators. Midas ran off somewhere he couldn't quite figure his way back from. I thought he would catch up to Arthur because he was in whistling range but he refused to come. Arthur cursed and accused him of never coming when he, Arthur needed him. Oh my. Arthur backtracked and Midas did eventually meet him in the middle somewhere so I think he was actually trying and failing. This happened again a little later. Lesson learned. Leave horse in safe space before tromping around through alligators.

Thanks to their high health numbers the Turkoman rank just under the top Arabians.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Palomino Morgan

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Palomino Morgan

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
2 3 3 2

Arthur should have acquired this horse much earlier in the game but I was still trying to move past my attachment to Champ, the Palomino Morgan from my original play through. Until I decided that a female would be an entirely different horse that is. Studying an unbonded horse doesn't seem to reveal the gender unfortunately so there's Arthur trying to figure it out. It seemed a little sad that I named her after myself but Victoria is sort of a female complement to Champ. I didn't detect any appreciable differences from Champ. She might have gotten a little more agitated but I spent so much time on Champ that I don't really know. All I remember is that he was a very good boah.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Leopard Appaloosa

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Leopard Appaloosa

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
Polka Queen 
5 6 4 3

I probably over use the word spectacular but it really applies to this horse's coat pattern. Arthur is turning her in tight circles here. The Leopard Appaloosa unlocks for sale in Chapter 6 but most players will have an encounter during a mission in Chapter 4 and it's possible to bond with one then. This is one of two top Appaloosas and is one point faster than the wild types. 

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Amber Champagne Missouri Fox Trotter

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Amber Champagne Missouri Fox Trotter

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
5 6 7 5

Snakes kept invading her space while she was tethered and she`s understandably quite upset. I jokingly called her Cobra because she really does not like snakes. I almost forgot about this premiere horse unlocking at Scarlett Meadows Stable in Chapter 4. I had a male last time. The long forelock makes them look a bit rakish and the colour pattern is quite unique. I thought I would take Cobra on a proper hunting trip north of Strawberry. I managed to get taken by surprise by cougars twice even though I was watching out for them. Got dumped and guzzled both times. Snake hunting went well thanks to Cobra`s alert system. This is a strong, very fast horse but I think the player needs to stay on the ball when predators are around. The Fox Trotters overall ranking is the same as the Turkomans' but emphasizes speed and stamina over health.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Reverse Dapple Roan Nokota

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Reverse Dapple Roan Nokota

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
Dark Prince 
3 3 7 5

He was troubled by a black bear in the vicinity while Arthur was distracted by an NPC who is currently hidden by the horse. His name was entirely prompted by this photo. He seemed a little noisier than any of the other Nokotas I have ridden including the Reverse Dapple Roan in my previous save. He even had some minor separation anxiety. His stats are the same as the top end Thoroughbreds but he was still easier to handle.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Flaxen Chestnut Morgan

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Flaxen Chestnut Morgan

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
2 3 3 2

So often I encounter interesting environmental effects that obscure the horse. Couldn`t resist this one though. Progress was elected to carry Arthur into Chapter 4 and she did her job quite well. Like all Morgans she is small, pretty, willing and a bit fragile. This one is a very common NPC horse.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Black Rabicano Tennessee Walker

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Black Rabicano Tennessee Walker

Name Health Stamina Speed Acceleration
3 3 2 2

This horse eluded me in play through one. This time I thought I would try chasing one with a different elite breed. The Tennessee Walker got into a jam rather quickly and Arthur was able to leap over to her. After this she assumed the typical steady nature of her breed but I still thought Rebel was a fine name for her.