Race Horses: Part 1

 This page includes screenshots taken after the epilogue and may reveal locations or plot details. Horses acquired through missions are indicated but missions not detailed.  If you're only interested in the best horses available early game please check out the horse database at https://www.gtabase.com/red-dead-redemption-2/  where you can sort for availability.                                                 

Horses featured are available in Story mode only and are sorted first for availability and then statistics.  Some other Racing class horses can be found on the Multiclass page. 

All race horses on this page have racing handling. Their best attribute is Speed. All available wild Race Horses have the same statistics.

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RDR2-Palomino Dapple American Standard Bred
Just hanging around looking for varmints.

Palomino Dapple American Standardbred.  Acquired: Valentine Stable. Available: Chapter 2. Name: Socks.
Health 3 Stamina 3 Speed 5 Acceleration 4.

This is the best race horse available from Chapter 2 on in the standard edition. She's a bargain at 150 dollars. I named her Socks for those elegant white knee highs plus she's just like a big, loveable kitten. We managed to get into trouble quickly. First she got shot out from under me and I had no reviver for some reason so I had to reload a manual save. Always carry horse reviver I muttered to myself. Then we got into it with a couple of wolves. She was okay at first but I was too slow killing them. When PC got dumped, a third wolf joined in and he was killed. After that we just explored and hunted until she hit level 4 and then tried to trigger a horse race encounter but no luck.

RDR2-Dappled Black Thoroughbred
Cooling our heels in the lake.

Dappled Black Thoroughbred.  Acquired: Valentine Stable.  Availability: Chapter 2.  Special and Ultimate Edition only.  Name: Dancer.
Health 3 Stamina 3 Speed 7 Acceleration 5,

This is the best race horse you can get early if you have the Special or Ultimate Edition. The only downside is the low health and stamina and I did have to revive her once after a gunfight. Because I have such a big imagination, I named her Dancer which is a nod to the great stud Northern Dancer. It was nice to be able to outrun enemies with a super fast horse while learning the controls. I used her as PC's preferred mission mount but she did a little free roaming. I disliked taking her to highly populated areas like St. Denis. People are so pushy and impatient there. It's very easy to get into trouble. I improved over time but the first few trips were harrowing. I should have known it would be her ultimate undoing. We got dumped there late at night after a mission. I managed to run over somebody in the dark and rather than deal with the consequences I chose to load an autosave. Dancer reappeared by the railroad track and I immediately got them both hit by a train. PC somehow survived but Dancer was in bad shape. Rather than just revive her, like an idiot I loaded the autosave not realizing it was a new autosave with a dead Dancer. I could have then just gone back to Valentine to get another one but I was really attached to this Dancer and obviously wasn't thinking that clearly. Too many aggravating things had happened since I last was able to manually save and PC just wanted food, a bath and a good night's sleep so we went off to the stable and got PC his first non free stable horse. RIP Dancer. Sniff.

RDR2-Dapple Grey Thoroughbred
Amanda looking a little messed up after hauling a carcass.

Dapple Grey Thoroughbred. Acquired: Wild. Availability: Spawns in the wild. Name: Amanda.
Health 3, Stamina 3, Speed 4, Acceleration 4.

I have no idea why I named this horse Amanda. I just looked at her and thought Amanda. She was an early acquisition. I came across her hunting for buffalo and immediately became distracted by her. We did do some successful hunting with her but she was noticeably skittish around predators. 

RDR2-Blood Bay Thoroughbred
Another rich looking coat.

Blood Bay Thoroughbred.  Acquired: Wild. Availability. Spawns in the wild. Unnamed.
Health 3, Stamina 3, Speed 4, Acceleration 3.

This one was horse number 9 captured for the Horseman Challenge. Also a female.

