Riding Horses: Part 1

This page includes screenshots taken after the epilogue and may reveal plot details and locations. Horses acquired through missions are indicated but missions not detailed.  If you're only interested in the best horses available early game please check out the horse database at https://www.gtabase.com/red-dead-redemption-2/  where you can sort for availability.                                                 

Horses featured are available in Story mode only and are sorted first for availability and then statistics.
All Riding Class horses have standard handling. The Tennessee Walker's best attributes are Health and Stamina, the Kentucky Saddler's are Health and Speed and the Morgan's are Stamina and Speed. All but one are available early game.

Click or touch images for larger view.

RDR2-Gold Palomino Tennessee Walker
Two boy Palominos. I don't think they like each other.

Gold Palomino Tennessee Walker. Acquired: Wild. Availability: Spawns in the wild. Name: Nugget.
Health 3, Stamina 4, Speed 3, Acceleration 2.

This horse was added to Story Mode with the update for PC release. He is one of the two fastest Tennessee Walkers which are the slowest horses in the game. He was the first horse acquired for Horseman challenge 10. I did ride him around until bond level 4. I don't have much to say about him other than he was fine. Nothing special really happened, If you like Palomino's, he is another option and has a very rich coat. His Stamina maxes out at 7 which is a decent number.

RDR2-Liver Chestnut Morgan
I was really taken with the forelock, mane and tail on this one.

Liver Chestnut Morgan. Acquired: Stolen. Availability: Spawns in the wild. Unnamed.
Health 2, Stamina 4, Speed 4, Acceleration 2.

Yep, another bold daytime heist out of Rhodes. If I had known it was this easy, I would have been doing this much sooner. The Liver Chestnut was added to Story Mode with the update and has 2 stats over 3 unfortunately offset by the low Health number. The Morgan's have the lowest Health number in the game which makes them slightly high maintenance if you insist on riding one. I didn't bother riding this one around since I had already adventured extensively with a Morgan.

RDR2-Buttermilk Buckskin Kentucky Saddler
We were so excited over this one we got a fancy new riding outfit.

Buttermilk Buckskin Kentucky Saddler. Acquired: Wild. Availability: Spawns in the wild. Name: Biscuit.
Health 3, Stamina 3, Speed 4, Acceleration 2.

The most popular NPC horse in the country I swear. Also a late edition to Story Mode. They're probably just more noticeable thanks to the distinctive coat and carriage. A thunderstorm broke out just as I decided we must capture this one and by the time he was tamed, he was so dirty I wasn't sure he was the right horse. He cleaned up beautifully though and I wanted to ride him around town right away. I also searched for fancy drink names but apparently anyone with any sense does not drink alcohol with buttermilk so I settled on Biscuit. He got less skittish around gunfire as we bonded but we did a mission together at level 4 and when dismounted you could hear him when the fireworks started. He obeyed all the rules as all of them do though. The Buttermilk Buckskin is the fastest of all the Kentucky Saddlers so there's that.

RDR2-Mahogany Bay Tennessee Walker
Nice photo of his butt.

Mahogany Bay Tennessee Tennessee Walker. Acquired: Mission. Availability: Chapter 1. Unnamed.
Health 3, Stamina 4, Speed 2, Acceleration 2.

This is our beginner horse from Chapter 1. I am ashamed to say I don't even remember the actual gender. I didn't bother to give her a name or even take a photo. I considered getting another one through cheat codes but I decided that this is what happened and I should just own up to it. Fortunately, the game took a photo. This was before I embarked on my marathon horse project and I was confused about everything. I only knew that I was entitled to a free fast horse and I was short of cash. But hey, I loved the excitable Dancer. The Mahogany Bay has the best Stamina of all but one of the Tennessee Walkers and tolerates Chapter 1 and 2 shenanigans quite well. He's also very pretty.
