Riding Horses: Part 4

  This page includes screenshots taken after the epilogue and may reveal plot details and locations. Horses acquired through missions are indicated but missions not detailed.  If you're only interested in the best horses available early game please check out the horse database at https://www.gtabase.com/red-dead-redemption-2/  where you can sort for availability.                                                 

Horses featured are available in Story mode only and are sorted first for availability and then statistics.
All Riding Class horses have standard handling. The Tennessee Walker's best attributes are Health and Stamina, the Kentucky Saddler's are Health and Speed and the Morgan's are Stamina and Speed. All but one are available early game.

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RDR2-Black Kentucky Saddler
Took a couple of tries to tame this one and he still looks a little spicy about it all.

Black Kentucky Saddler. Acquired: Wild. Availability: Spawns in the wild.
Health 3, Stamina 2, Speed 3, Acceleration 2.

The Kentucky Saddlers are valued at 50 dollars. In the beginning, it was a miracle that I managed to tame any horses. I always went for the "gentling" option by calling and sneaking up but PC got bucked off a lot. This time, I was neglecting to let go of the L2 trigger which didn't help anything. I eventually learned to pull the toggle back as well as left and right. For heaven's sakes. When not looking completely ticked off, the Black Kentucky Saddler is a very pretty horse.

RDR2-Grey Kentucky Saddler
Showing off our conformation.

Grey Kentucky Saddler. Acquired: Wild. Availability: Spawns in the wild. Unnamed.
Health 3, Stamina 2, Speed 3, Acceleration 2.

This was the first wild acquisition after the Epilogue and we got more than we bargained for. We inadvertently wound up with a stage coach. I had been avoiding unnecessary trouble up to this point so this was my first hilarious experience with driving four horses with two following. We had to go back for the Grey twice. I think Rachel was the main horse. We managed to get to the wagon fence and was a little disappointed with the pay off for our efforts. I was then anxious to get a photo back in the corral even though a storm was brewing. A lightning crack sent one of the horses running straight out of the corral. I went looking for it but it was no where to be seen. It returned on it's own sometime later. The storm continued for 3 full days. I finally got the shot after fast travelling away and returning. All this for an unremarkable photo.

RDR2-Chestnut Pinto Kentucky Saddler
A real my little pony candidate here.

Chestnut Pinto Kentucky Saddler. Acquired: Wild. Availability: Spawns in the wild. Unnamed.
Health 3, Stamina 2, Speed 3, Acceleration 2.

These gaudy creatures are visible all over the country. We captured him while riding the Red Roan Tennessee Walker and just had him follow back to the corral and left him there. We then got caught up in the White Roan Nokota story and brought her back. I decided to take the Nokota and the Red Roan to the stables but of course could no longer issue commands to the Kentucky Saddler who insisted on following us. So we all went to the stable. The Kentucky Saddler waited outside until the Red Roan was sold, then he was sold and Cookie got her name. I'd like to say after collecting all these horses that I understand how it all works but I'm not totally certain.

RDR2-Silver Bay Kentucky Saddler
Just strolling through...whatever this purple stuff is.

Silver Bay Kentucky Saddler. Acquired: Wild. Availability: Spawns in the wild. Unnamed.
Health 3, Stamina 2, Speed 3, Acceleration 2.

Horse number 5 for the Horseman Challenge 10. She reminded me of a more refined version of the Flaxen Chestnut Hungarian Halfbred.

RDR2-Flaxen Roan Tennessee Walker
Another horse who looks beautiful in moonlight.

Flaxen Roan Tennessee Walker. Acquired: Tumbleweed Stable. Availability: Epilogue. Unnamed.
Health 4, Stamina 5, Speed 3, Acceleration 3.

This is the best riding horse but unfortunately not available until the Tumbleweed Stable unlocks in the Epilogue. The Flaxen Roan has 1 more point in acceleration than any of the riding horses and the best health and stamina. We got ambushed soon after leaving Tumbleweed and tried to outrun them but the horse went down and PC went down trying to revive her. When the game save loaded, we held our ground and prevailed. We got out of New Austin without any more trouble but shortly after bonding to level 4 we experienced a wolf attack. After two wolves went down, she started to rear but we were able to calm her and shoot the third wolf. A good horse overall, I thought and unique looking.
