Superior Horses

 This page includes screenshots taken after the epilogue and may reveal plot details and locations. Horses acquired through missions are indicated but missions not detailed.  If you're only interested in the best horses available early game please check out the horse database at  where you can sort for availability.                                                 

Horses featured are available in Story mode only and are sorted first for availability and then statistics.
The Superior horses are all Arabian and have elite handling. The top 3 ranked Arabians have the highest acceleration number.

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RDR2-White Arabian
I don't know why I thought it would be fun for all three of them to run in the snow but here we are. The white Arabian is on the left of course.

White Arabian. Acquired: Wild. Availability: Chapter 2. Name: Cloud.
Health 5, Stamina 5, Speed 6, Acceleration 6.

This is the best free horse available and one of the best horses in the game. My only knock is that she is small. Aesthetics are the only reason you wouldn't want this horse in your stable. I have read complaints about her temperament and it's true that she takes a bit to calm down but I didn't find her hard to control or that much worse than any other horse for that matter. I decided we should go hunting for perfect bear pelts. PC dismounted to examine a structure and was attacked by a grizzly with little warning. Cloud did nothing. Didn't make a sound or move. PC would have survived but I think he grabbed the Varmint rifle by mistake. We got a poor pelt at long range and then unexpectedly came across another one. Cloud again did not make a sound but we had the right rifle and took it down as it rushed us. She was a little ruffled but not much. Still no perfect pelt. By this time, I realized that she was not going to alert me to grizzly bears and went on foot. I could hear a grizzly but never found it. So the trip wasn't a total lost cause we got a perfect elk pelt instead. Just as we were riding out, I spotted a perfect grizzly and by the time he noticed us it was too late. We took that pelt to the trapper instead and continued through Big Valley where we were attacked by six wolves. Cloud stood while PC took down four of them but the final two were too much and PC had to finish them from the ground. We were then rushed by a cougar. We tried to take it with a poison arrow but missed and PC was thrown and guzzled so we lost all the wolf pelts. She got pretty worked up over snakes. I spent quite a bit of time with her and I got a sense of what elite handling means when we chased the Tennessee Walker through the trees. I was really impressed with her but I wanted the Chestnut Arabian and moved on.

RDR2-Warped Brindle Arabian
Unusual markings.

Warped Brindle Arabian. Acquired: Wild. Availability: Chapter 2. Name: Magic.
Health 3, Stamina 5, Speed 6, Acceleration 4.

The Warped Brindle was added to Story Mode with the PC release. She was a bit of a challenge to find and tame. We encountered a wolf pack on our way out and tried to out run them but our temporary horse got stuck in behind them so we turned around to eliminate them. That didn't work out great and PC had to finish them from the ground. As we continued on, I spotted a timber wolf off to the right of us and thought we'd just speed away but a rare bull moose appeared in front of us. So naturally we started chasing that. The moose unexpectedly stopped and began turning towards us. He was close to a rock wall. My brain was messaging to stop but I just kept firing and we clipped right through the moose. That's when I decided to name her Magic. We had to go finish the injured moose and the pelt was slightly damaged. That was the extent of the excitement with Magic. I really liked her though. There was something joyful about her. At a full run, you hardly felt like you were moving.

RDR2-Red Chestnut Arabian
I just have no words.

Red Chestnut Arabian. Acquired: Wild. Availability: Chapter 2. Name: Satin.
Health 3, Stamina 4, Speed 5, Acceleration 4.

Another PC release Story Mode addition. She is the weakest of the Superiors but because I have a fondness for chestnut (ahem bay) horses she is my vanity mount. When I finally saw her in game, I thought that she is a little over the top. Her coat is impossibly rich and shiny and her eyes are kind of out there. I was aggravating her so they look a little worse in this photo. I didn't really know what I was going to do with her or even name her. I settled on Satin because that's what she looks like she's made of. We just went exploring. We had a minor escapade with two timber wolves but she handled that well. She hate, hates snakes but copes with alligators fine. She had a freak out in St. Denis but we got her under control. I'd say she's a little high maintenance but not a terrible horse by any means. 

RDR2-Black Arabian
Prima prancing as she does.

Black Arabian. Acquired: St. Denis Stable. Availability: Chapter 4. Name: Prima.
Health 6, Stamina 6, Speed 6, Acceleration 6.

This is the second highest ranked horse available in Story Mode. We bought her to replace the unfortunate Dutch Warmblood Roos which was probably silly idea to start with and then decided to carry on with Roos' mission which was even sillier considering we were just bonding. We managed to take a wrong turn and tried to walk through a slew of alligators and poor Prima just freaked right out. She was jumping off walkways into the water, throwing the PC and running around like a lunatic. Then we got into a fatal gunfight. Happily, Prima survived and we decided just to go on a sedate walk up the river searching for plants. This a very nice looking horse and is probably fine when properly bonded but I was still going through the stable horses at this point so just moved on when the bond maxed out.

RDR2-Rose Grey Bay Arabian
This one is so flashy looking we just had to get a ridiculous outfit and parade around the ritzier parts of town.

Rose Grey Bay Arabian. Acquired: Blackwater Stable. Availability: Epilogue. Name: Sheba.
Health 7, Stamina 7, Speed 6, Acceleration 6. 

This is the closest you can come to maxing out all the horse stats which makes this Arabian the top elite horse in Story Mode. After puttering around and basking in all the compliments, I decided to go cougar hunting in 3 different locations. This resulted in two PC deaths. PC also got eaten by a grizzly but that was not at all the horse's fault. We did manage a good rabbit pelt so not a total loss. She got startled by an ambush and PC was immediately dumped. The thing I noticed most about her was a very active head. All the Arabians seem to stretch and shake their noggins but it seemed really noticeable with her.

