War Horse: Part 1

  This page includes screenshots taken at various stages of the game and may reveal plot details and locations. Horses acquired through missions are indicated but missions not detailed.  If you're only interested in the best horses available early game please check out the horse database at https://www.gtabase.com/red-dead-redemption-2/  where you can sort for availability.                                                 

Horses featured are available in Story mode only and are sorted for availability and then statistics.  The war horses' best stat is Health. All war horses have standard handling. Other members of the war horse class can be found on the multiclass page .

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RDR2-Perlino Anadalusian
Had to get the waterfall in here but angles are awkward.

Perlino Andalusian.  Acquired: Wild. Availability: Spawns in the wild. Name: Bella.
Health 7, Stamina 5, Speed 3, Acceleration 3.

This horse was added to Story Mode with the PC release. She's the best war horse available early and maybe one of the best horses overall. I had no specific reason for calling her Bella. That's just the name that kept popping into my head. The terrain made taming her a little difficult. She was acquired somewhere around Chapter 4 and she spent most of her time in St. Denis. She was unperturbed by city traffic and there were no dramatic incidents with her. As one would expect with a war horse, she tolerated gun fire well. We did go on a trip north in the Western Grizzlies. She complained about the snow all the way. We got swarmed by three wolves and I was too slow so the PC got dumped. She handled a later two wolf attack better or maybe it was me. 

R2D2-Dark Bay Andalusian
You'd think I would have a more exciting photo of Pepper with all the action he experienced but by this time, I just wanted to call it a day.

Dark Bay Andalusian. Acquired: Strawberry Stable. Availability: Chapter 2. Name: Pepper.
Health 5, Stamina 4, Speed 3, Acceleration 3.

I called him Pepper because he got seasoned. We went for an always exciting trip through Big Valley. He stayed calm through an ambush. We then went tracking a legendary animal and PC suffered a fatal wolf attack while dismounted. Not long after we recovered, a cougar attacked and Pepper dumped the PC. When we continued on, I started sightseeing and noticed that Pepper had begun to rear while I had the PC gawking through the binoculars. Apparently we were being held up. We calmed Pepper down and took those spoil sports out. Good Pepper. We tried to find a spot to camp but kept getting the dreaded activity message. So of course a wolf pack came after us but we just outran them. His stats aren't as good as the other Andalusians but he leveled from bond 2 to 4 through all that adventure so I thought he did well. He's a very pretty horse. His conformation is a little more refined and he has the long forelock, mane and tail that I tend to associate with Andalusians.

RDR2-Bay Roan Ardennes
An imposing fellow.

Bay Roan Ardennes. Acquired: Scarlett Meadows Stable. Availability: Chapter 2. Name: John Boy.
Health 5, Stamina 4, Speed 3, Acceleration 3.

I had no idea what to name him but the PC exclaimed, "You are a boy!" at some point and I thought, "John Boy. That's the ticket." He has the same stats as the Dark Bay Andalusian but I was excited about this horse because he's a draft type. He crushed a rabbit just about right away. Off to Big Valley we went. He reacted strongly to snakes which isn't unusual but he didn't calm down that easily. PC got dumped and killed by a cougar because I wasn't paying attention so no blame to John Boy there. We wandered too close to an enemy stronghold, came under fire and I decided to fight. John Boy went down quickly and he ran off after being revived. I sent PC to heal him and then had the bright idea to charge at the stronghold and attempt to steamroll enemies. We hit a small out building instead, PC fell off and John Boy ran away again, which is actually what you should do if your rider is a complete idiot. After we recovered from yet another player character death, we went in the opposite direction and enjoyed a peaceful trip back to the stable.

RDR-2 Dapple Dark Grey Hungarian Halfbred
Good war horse for cheap but free is better.

Dapple Dark Grey Hungarian Halfbred. Acquired: Mission. Availability: Chapter 2. Name: BB.
Health 5, Stamina 4, Speed 3, Acceleration 3.

This one is for sale at Valentine stable for 150.00 but it is possible to acquire him on a mission. I didn't really pay attention to his stats and probably should have kept him for awhile. He has slightly better numbers than the wild ones. But I was distracted by a pretty coat as usual and sold him.
